Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nova Vista Symphony - FESTA ITALIANA

很成功的Season opening. 波希米亞歌劇選曲 甜蜜得起雞皮疙瘩 最後的羅馬之松 大編制的管樂 要把屋頂給吹掀了 更讚的是 音樂會後reception 指揮還現場表演手風琴義大利風謠 好個秋末美好的午後

featuring Heather Clemens, soprano, and Michael Dailey, tenor

October 21, 2012 - SUNDAY AFTERNOON, 2:00 PM

with reception following concert

West Valley College Theater, Saratoga

TCHAIKOVSKY Capriccio Italien

PUCCINI La Boheme, Act 1, Love Duet and Finale

featuring Heather Clemens, soprano, and Michael Dailey, tenor,

of Opera San Jose

RESPIGHI The Pines of Rome

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