Saturday, June 27, 2009

"非誠勿擾" If you are the one

挺好看的愛情小品 吸引人的故事 特逗的對白(尤其在葛優的演技下) 美麗如畫的取景(那個西溪的豪宅我也想住) 此片是週末夜晚良伴
"什麼是一見鍾情? 一見鍾情不是互相"看到"而是"味道" 是一種氣味相投的吸引" .
人與人之間就是有一種無形的磁場存在 不知原因 沒有理由 就會自然而然接近或分離.


Friday, June 26, 2009


Blog 上看到的文章 是啊 生活就是有這些點滴的不完美 才有樂趣.

新加坡用網路行銷來「促婚」,3 分鐘寡婦廣告引發瘋狂討論
五月初,新加坡那邊出了一則很特別的廣告,在電視上播出後,引起極大的爭議,各位可以點下方參考一下。這則廣告是由新加坡國家級的「社區發展部」所拍攝(Ministryof Community Development, Youth and Sports )它是一則 「支持婚姻」(pro-marriage )的廣告,據說兩年前新加坡曾有一場市調,顯示許多適婚的新加坡年輕人仍在待婚中,因為找不到完美對象。
這則「促婚影片」只有3 分鐘又2秒:主角是一位印度裔太太,悼念著她剛死去的華裔老公。她的悼詞和大家預期不同,她竟然當著全體親友描述著她老公在床上如何的「打鼾」和「放屁」,還當場模仿這些聲音!如果老公還活著,應該會窘得想找一個洞鑽吧。
「今天,我不是要來讚美的,我不會說他有多好,因為很多人都已經說了。今天我想和大家分享一些可能讓大家比較不自在的事。」她說,「我想先從他在床上的表現說起。」台下觀眾眼神都是問號,看著她繼續說--「你們都有碰過,早上啟動汽車引擎啟不動的狀況嗎?」當場她學了發動引擎的聲音,但聽起來根本就是打鼾聲。這位寡婦學得嘴巴都歪了一邊了,這樣鼾了兩趟,然後幽幽的說:「well,大衛(她的老公)的打鼾,完全像是這樣。」大家開始笑了,鏡頭轉到她的女兒,表情顯然有點怪,大概是不解為何媽媽要說這件事?有些老夫妻也一邊笑一邊微皺眉頭,這場合好像說這種事不太對吧?「但,打鼾只是開始,」寡婦繼續說:「他,也會……放屁!」,好像好多人都有類似的經驗呢。「有些晚上,他放屁放得太大聲,還會被自己驚醒!」 全場更是會意 全場更是會意的笑了,她說,「大衛會驚慌的問,那……那是什麼聲音?」「這時候我會說,親愛的,是隔壁的老狗在放屁啦,放心繼續睡吧!」鏡頭轉到好幾個太太笑得摀嘴,坐在旁邊的老公面露尷尬。
「 到生命的最後, 」鏡頭轉向這位寡婦孤單的身驅,看到她緩緩的說。 「 總是這些小小的事情,讓我們永遠記得。 」(In the end, it's these small things that you remember. ) 「是這些小小的不完美』,一起組成生命的『完美』。」(It ' s these little imperfections that make them perfect for you. )
「所以我想告訴我的子女,有一天,你也能找到你們生命中的伴侶,他們會像你爸爸在我眼中一樣『不完美得很美』。」(So, to my beautiful children: One day, you too find yourself life partners,who are as BEAUTIFULLY IMPERFECT as your father was to me. )她講完後,彷彿如釋重負,回到一個仍要照顧小孩的媽媽,收起悲傷,堅強起來,擁抱她的小孩。觀禮的全都沒有痛哭失聲,竟都看著前方,那是一種吃驚,這些文字的重量竟然這麼重的飄在空中、壓在心裡。這三分鐘的片也旋及走到尾聲,最後,這則廣告的結束詞是──「Family 」。中文版,則是一個──「家」字。
這則極震撼的廣告片,是由一位來自馬來西亞女導演Yasmin Ahmad 所拍攝。在新加坡引發了很大的爭議。沒人是完美的,所謂的真正的愛情就是接受你伴侶的不完美。在喪禮上,女主角講了一段話,明明是在講一則很平常的事,卻經過了音樂與台詞與鏡頭的鋪陳,導引出一連串看不見的「弦外之音」,最後它給了一個字「Family」作結尾。


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Homemade dinner

This is last night's dinner.

- Beef Stew with 秋葵
- Homemade fresh baked bread
- 焦糖布丁 (homemade too...:P )



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2009 Med cruise with parents

During this two months sabbatical, my first long trip (other than flying back to Taiwan) is to bring my parent to a Mediterranean cruise. By looking at those pictures (almost thousand!!), the clear sky, calm ocean, parents' smiling, everything worth the money.

This is our trip detail:
5/15-16: Kaohsiung - HK - Paris - Nice - Monte Carlo. What a long flight......
5/16: Monte Carlo day trip. 5pm sailing away....Thanks god that our luggages arrive on time before the ship sails away.

5/17: Italy, Rome. My second visit. It is still an amazing city with lots history. However, not as touched as my last visit. My parents like here though. We had good cafe, gelato and went to Sunday mass together. :)

5/18: Italy, Serrendo/Amalfi drive. The Amalfi drive is like Taiwan's 蘇花公路. Huge lemon is the local product. Parents drink/eat a lot of Lemoncello (high alcohol and sweet lemon made liquor.).

5/19: Italy, Sicily/Taomina/Mount Etn. Em....Ok place to me.
Sicily's symbol - Medusa

5/20: on the sea. I secretly arranged a dinner surprise for my parents to celebrate thier 40th anniversary. Well....I think they were happy since the rest of night they kept talking about I was a nice bb to raise...blah, blah, blah....

5/21: Turkey, Kusadasi (Ephesus). Personally I think Ephesus is so valuable that have to visit once.

5/22: Greece, Santorini. Unbelievable beauty. I will definitely come back to watch its sunset.

Santorini: 完全的藍與白 寧靜的海水 每一處每一眼都是畫

5/23: Greece, Athen. Of course, we visited Acropolis and Mom's wallet was loss forever there....

5/24-25: Athen - Paris - HK - Kaohsiung. Another long flight....
爸媽很厲害的和我完成這次歐洲之旅 美好的回憶永存 :)


Back after two years!

I am a lazy blogger. Last article is two years ago.
Recently came back from a long trip in Taiwan. This is really good to get away from regular life and visit different places and re-union with friends.
Now I am back, back to reality, back to the original life track.
Hopefully this time, I can consistently write down my thought in this blog.
