Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cute little young musician

He is only 8 yrs old. His letter and drawing makes my day. :) BTW he is my friend's nephew.

February 15, 2011, 8:00 am Top 10 Composers: A Young Reader Responds

My two-week project to select the 10 greatest composers, which involved a series of articles, blog posts and videos, concluded with an article in the Arts & Leisure section on Jan. 23. But I continue to receive lively, interesting reactions from readers. My favorite was a hand-written letter from Lucas Amory, who is 8 years old and lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Lucas is a serious piano student and the son of two noted violists, Misha Amory of the Brentano String Quartet and Hsin-Yun Huang.

Lucas attends the Special Music School at the Kaufmann Center (in his letter he says that he goes to the Lucy Moses School, which occupies the same building). He writes that he adores music and offers two lists: “THE TEN GREATEST COMPOSERS AND: THE ONES I LIKE BEST.” He clearly understands the difference between all-time greats and personal favorites — quite impressive for an 8-year-old.

To remind you, my list of greats, in order, was: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Debussy, Stravinsky, Brahms, Verdi, Wagner and Bartok. Lucas has a passion for the Romantics so Tchaikovsky, Chopin and Schumann appear on both his lists. On his favorites list there is a photo-finish contest for the top spot between Schumann and Tchaikovsky, which Lucas illustrates with a drawing.
Here is Lucas’s wonderful, strong and articulate letter.
The front of Lucas Amory’s letter.
The back..

Monday, February 14, 2011

情人快樂 Campton Place Restaurant (*)

Homemade White Angels food cake. Black, white and Red - Classic.
好友的邀約下 一起在新上榜的一星餐廳慶祝 不錯的體驗 食物有一星的水準 有幾道菜 手工調味精巧得很 份量足夠 朋友挑的酒也好喝 如果上菜的服務員再專業點 就更好了

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

烘培習作簿 紅酒洋梨塔

燉了一鍋紅酒洋梨 就來做個洋梨杏仁塔吧 不知有沒有人願意試吃呢
Petit size 的比較可愛
