Saturday, September 16, 2006
2006 trip to Italy - Duomo Part 1
到歐洲看教堂就像在中國看廟一樣, 是不可缺的活動
從教堂的規模, 能體會宗教對西方文化的影響. 尤其在義大利這個歐洲文化的源頭.
基本上, 義大利的教堂是由三個主建築體組成 - 大教堂(Duomo or Cathedrale), 受洗堂 (Battistero) 及 鐘塔 (Campanile). 對當時的人而言, 人生大事就是 - Christened in Baptistery, married in the Duomo, honored in ceremonies at the Tower and buried in the Camposanto (cemetery).
神蹟廣場 Campo dei Miracoli
Duomo and Battistero

斜塔 and 教堂內部

This small hill town once has a glorious history. Right now it is still kept the small old town feeling. However, the Duomo is magnificent. 可謂 "花花大教堂" 上自天花板 牆壁 下至地板 無一不有裝飾 這裡有諸位文藝復新大師的作品 - 貝尼尼 Bernini, 米開朗基羅 Michelangelo
In the cathedrale and Inlaid-marble floor (all over the church)

Bernini's Cappella della Modonna del Voto

Picocolomini library - Frescoes and Music books

從教堂的規模, 能體會宗教對西方文化的影響. 尤其在義大利這個歐洲文化的源頭.
基本上, 義大利的教堂是由三個主建築體組成 - 大教堂(Duomo or Cathedrale), 受洗堂 (Battistero) 及 鐘塔 (Campanile). 對當時的人而言, 人生大事就是 - Christened in Baptistery, married in the Duomo, honored in ceremonies at the Tower and buried in the Camposanto (cemetery).
神蹟廣場 Campo dei Miracoli
Duomo and Battistero

斜塔 and 教堂內部

This small hill town once has a glorious history. Right now it is still kept the small old town feeling. However, the Duomo is magnificent. 可謂 "花花大教堂" 上自天花板 牆壁 下至地板 無一不有裝飾 這裡有諸位文藝復新大師的作品 - 貝尼尼 Bernini, 米開朗基羅 Michelangelo
In the cathedrale and Inlaid-marble floor (all over the church)

Bernini's Cappella della Modonna del Voto

Picocolomini library - Frescoes and Music books

Labels: Travel
2006 trip to Italy - 前言
Just came back from one week vacation in Italy. Florence and Rome were our main focus this trip. This is what we planned:
Day 1: SFO - Rome - Florence
Day 2: Pisa - Siena - Florence
Day 3: Cremona - Modena - Bolonga - Florence
Day 4: Florence
Day 5: Florence - Rome
Day 6: Vatican
Day 7: Rome
Day 8: Rome - SFO
Good thing about self planning trip is to have the most flexibility to decide where and when you want to visit. However, the price you paid is YOU are resposible for everything happened in the trip. It may be end up having a lot of walking and need to pay attendtion to catch train/bus. Do the homework before hand is must and then you will enjoy yourself to explore under a facinating foreign art, food, history and culture.
Florence sunset
Day 1: SFO - Rome - Florence
Day 2: Pisa - Siena - Florence
Day 3: Cremona - Modena - Bolonga - Florence
Day 4: Florence
Day 5: Florence - Rome
Day 6: Vatican
Day 7: Rome
Day 8: Rome - SFO
Good thing about self planning trip is to have the most flexibility to decide where and when you want to visit. However, the price you paid is YOU are resposible for everything happened in the trip. It may be end up having a lot of walking and need to pay attendtion to catch train/bus. Do the homework before hand is must and then you will enjoy yourself to explore under a facinating foreign art, food, history and culture.
Florence sunset

Labels: Travel