Saturday, September 26, 2009

Beautifully by Jay Brannan

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me.
Listen to "Beautifully"


Every time he goes, she dies
Every time she comes, she cries

He was her long, bright future
In the middle of a wrong, dark road
He loved her, but he wasn't too sure
If he could return the love she showed
When she said, my love extends
Beyond the realm of being friends
He kissed her head
And quietly he said
It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

Well, ten thousand tears passed by
But she never let him see her cry
And he called up down one night
He said, let's get in the car and just drive

He talked a lot about loneliness
But why, she didn't know
And some song about Memphis
Was playing on the radio
She said, let's stop the car and slow dance
Won't you just give me a chance?
He took her hand
And hoped she'd understand

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully

Well, she'll burn that bridge
And build a house
And swallow the smoke in her mouth
She'll feel the burn
And then make the choice
To put the fire in her voice

It's not that you're not beautiful, you're just not beautiful to me
She said, how beautiful do I have to be?
When I look in the mirror, you're the only thing I see
And I have loved you beautifully



某些事 我是乎很晚熟 年過三十才接觸珍‧奧斯丁的故事 至今傲慢與偏見還是我的最愛 不管是柯林·弗斯(Colin Firth)的BBC版本(他還是Mr. Darcy的最佳代言人) 還是綺拉奈特莉的電影版(配樂非常好聽. 取景更是賞心悅目) 我都像中毒般一看再看 我想每個版本都看了超過五次以上吧! 沒辦法Mr. Darcy這個人物個性就像是虛幻世界的白馬王子 :)
最近又看了"勸導 Persuasion" 故事也不錯 不過說老實話 我雖喜歡那種古典時代故事背景 但我才不要活在那時當女人 (不管東方西方都一樣) 身份地位卑微只能依附男性生活 就算念過書受過教育也一樣.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

San Francisco Opera night at Giant's park

It was a very interesting experience to listen to a free SF opera night at Giant's baseball park (simulcasting). You can wait in a very very very long line to get picnic at the field. Or like us just get a regular seats but very close to the field. As usual, the foggy city is cold at night but with Verdi music "Il Trovatore", the cold air just put me into a very good sleep. :)
